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Customised Reports

Loan Performer allows you to create your own Customised Reports. This means that you can produce a report with your own defined report headers, title, page header, details, page footer etc. It would be easier if you use Visual Foxpro 9.0 but this is not necessary. To be able to create customized reports you need to;

1. Create templates for the report that you want to customize.

2. Define the menu where the customized reports should be used.

3. Design or modify the report.

How to create copies for the report to be customized

Loan Performer comes with sample report formats that you use to create the copies for the report to be generated. To get there you go to Loan Performer folder->External Files->Report Templates. Here you will find 2 files called Example, one with extension FRT and the other with FRX. You always need both files, so handle them together.

The Example.frx report has just a provision for header, the logo, the name of the organization with branch, the date of printing, the user who printed the report, the Loan Performer version number and the report page in the footer. It looks like the one below:

You may need several reports so start by making a copies of the two Example files in Windows Explorer. Make the copies and then rename them as you please, e.g., "MyClientReport.”. Then you will be able to use them in the next section.

Note that the copies made for each report should be transferred to the folder where all the created reports will be stored, e.g., "C:\LPF81204\REPORTS".

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